DAY 17: VIDEO of Mark flying down a highway + Melody meets an Ice Cream Scooper


MARK: Day 17
Destination: Swan Valley, Idaho
Today’s mileage: 52 miles. Total: 973! (pretty close to 1K!)

Want to see what’s it’s like to be Mark and flying down Highway 26 in Idaho today? Then watch this video!


(Read more about Day 17 on Mark’s blog post here).   (Note from Melody: I love this pic of Mark passing by some fields with yellow things in them– very, very pretty and definitely not as scary as the video above).

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Long hot day!  Didn’t get much done today other than follow Mark and bring him food and water (and worry), but I did manage to edit the video above. Also met this sweetheart of a gal in an ice cream shop in Swan Valley.  This is Kiersten’s her first job ever, she’s in a rock band and she’s a triplet.  Oh, and she’s a Mormon, too.  What makes her feel alive?  Playing her electric bass guitar!

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Kiersten Landon plays electric bass with the band Tactix



6 Responses to “DAY 17: VIDEO of Mark flying down a highway + Melody meets an Ice Cream Scooper

  • Kyle Renell
    8 years ago

    Okay, Mark, I was air-gripping the brakes all the way… I am a much more cautious bicyclist than you…..
    Tune, did you ask Kiersten how her band got its name?

    • Melody Gilbert
      8 years ago

      No, but I will when I send her an email. Good question! You have always been a natural journalist 🙂

    • Sally
      8 years ago

      Again… You are not allowed to go that fast!!!!
      Highway, rumble strips, debris on the road .
      Thought if you today while I was biking along Lake Erie near Cleveland. Flat and beautiful.
      Sending good karma biking your way 🙂

  • GP David
    8 years ago

    breathes there man , with soul so dead,
    Who never to himself hath said,
    This is my own,my native land!!!

    • Melody Gilbert
      8 years ago

      Nice. Thanks for the reminder from Sir Walter Scott 🙂

  • Kiersten (the ice cream scooper)
    8 years ago

    I hope he finishes strong!