Day 1: Winchester Bay, Ore.
MARK: After four hours of driving (which came after our 32 hours of driving to San Francisco and Melody’s film festival appearance), we arrived at our designated “starting point” for the ceremonial “dip” of the rear tire into the Pacific Ocean. If I make it all the way to Delaware, the front tire goes into the Atlantic. But I will resist getting too far ahead of myself. One. Day. At. A. Time.
The sea was placid, the skies misty and the air cool. While we unloaded the car and set up the bike, I changed into biking gear and prepared to begin. That’s when we heard haunting sounds coming from the ocean. Whales? Whale watchers calling whales? We weren’t sure, but we saw signs near the Umpqua River Lighthouse heralding whale watching, so who knows?
After an invigorating walk through soft sand to the lapping waves along the Oregon coast, I dipped the tire, trudged back to the parking lot and headed off. Since it was already late in the afternoon, I biked only the first 25 miles of this (roughly) 3,200-mile journey. I stopped near North Fork, somewhere along the Lower Smith River Road. A good start. No need to push it. We’re on schedule.
We’ll update our progress daily, unless we end up in a spot without a connection.
Forecast for Tuesday, Day 2: Highs in the low 60s, with spotty rain showers throughout the day.
MELODY: What a great day! To watch Mark dip is bike tire in the ocean and start to live his dream. While I was looking for a place to stay, a met a woman from Wisconsin who moved to Oregon and now teaches ballroom dancing at a coffee shop. More to come about her 🙂
Glade to hear you got started!!!!! I am looking forward to the daily reports. Ride safe!!!!!
And so it begins!
Good luck you two. Watching for updates. Be safe. Luv ya
I will be following your adventures avidly! Good luck and carry a spare.
Be sure to wash the salt off that tire if the rain does’t. It can do nasty things to components and such! Bon chance.
My aunt lives about an hour up the coast from your starting point. If I wasn’t so impressed with your endeavor I would recommend a longer stay. I hope you leave many more places worth staying. Good luck!!